Posts in Malta
Malta: A Postcard from Carrie and Jim

Our time in Malta has come to an end. Five weeks went by fast. I'm sad to leave the sun, cliff views, and constantly feeling like I'm in the middle of a GoT set, but we are excited to head off to safari with my mom and Kel! Plus, I’m ready for a change of scenery. I’m glad we took five weeks to explore the island, but we definitely didn’t need more than that.

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First Impression: St Julián, Malta

But, we have arrived and so did our bags! Malta is a small island—only about nine by seventeen miles and just 122 square miles. For comparison, Rhode Island is 1,214 Sq miles and Hawaii is 10,931 sq mi. It has a population of about 500,000 people, making it one of the ten most densely populated countries in the world. Some other interesting tidbits: they drive on the left, they speak English, and it was a filming location for much of Game of Thrones in Season 1.

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