Wait, you're doing what?

When I started telling friends and family about this idea of traveling full time, I got a lot of questions, many of them the same ones again and again. Questions like, where will you live? when are you going? what about your stuff?

So- let’s start with what about your stuff?

We are renting a 5 x 5 storage unit to keep a few miscellaneous things like Barry, my childhood stuffed bear, some of our artwork, and my professional mixer.

Yep, our lives fit in a 5 x 5 storage unit, with room to spare. I’m not a “stuff” person, but holy crap- my life fits in a 5 x 5 room.

But what will you do with the rest of your stuff?

Estate sale! We found a gal that will come in and sell our stuff- anything she can’t sell, she will get donated for us. The estate sale will be Sept 7- the same day we leave for Vienna!

Wait, you are selling your cars?

Our plan is to mostly travel internationally- and won’t spend all that much time in the US. We’ll need to come back every 6 months for my doctors appts at Moffitt. And we will pop out to Colorado where I’ll catch up with a few clients and get big hugs from my circle (but hopefully many of them will meet up with us on our travels!), but it just doesn’t make sense to keep a car for the 6ish weeks a year we end up in the states.

[If you’ve read Jim’s post about our cars, you know that we sold our cars. What he didn’t tell you was the holy crap we just sold our cars moment we had. You know when you are super focused on your to do list, moving along, knocking things off the list and suddenly you have a moment when it all becomes real? This was that moment.]

Why are you selling your house? But where will you live? Why don’t you airbnb it out/rent it out?

We are not landlords- we hate home projects and have no interest in having the responsibility of a house while we travel and I’m not really interested staying in Florida when we finish exploring.

The house goes on the market Sept 13- and I’m hopeful it sells while we are in Vienna!

Where are you going?

Check out our itinerary for our plans so far. Some of our places have an extra bedroom or a sofa bed- we’d love you to meet up with us somewhere along the way (Tokyo for Summer Olympics 2020 anyone?). Or grab a nearby airbnb and we’ll adventure.

Do you have other questions? Ask away in the comments!