Posts in New Hampshire
Our Favorite New Hampshire Hikes

The familiar landscapes are some of the most fun to visit and get reacquainted with. It’s been a long time since we've had the chance to hike in New Hampshire and there is no shortage of hiking options! I could spend four hours hiking every day and not get bored with it. Even the hikes I visit again and again seem to give me a different experience each time I visit.

Being in the heart of the White Mountains means easy access to a lot of trails. Jim warned me that no one would be interested in a dozen blog posts about hiking, not even him and he went on most of the hikes. Oh Jim. So, in the interest of keeping my memories succinct, here are my top five hikes in the area.

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Backyard Bugs of New Hampshire

Across from my house growing up, there was a large area where milkweed grew. I don't know how many people know this, but milkweed is the only thing monarch caterpillars eat.* One of my favorite things to do when I was a kid was to find the pupa hanging on the milkweed or a monarch caterpillar and put it in a small terrarium with some milkweed leaves. I would then eagerly check each day to see if the caterpillar had turned into a pupa, or the pupa had hatched to become a big beautiful monarch butterfly.

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